0078: L.E.G.O. Starforce H.Q. "Megafort"

Earthians made a mistake when the "first contact" happened.
Then the Starforce was established, to keep safe from "second" and "third" contact to humans.
Now the L.E.G.O. Starforce is the biggest military force in the earth, and the "Megafort" is the symbol of that power.
Floating at a balanced point between earth andmoon, It measures for nearly 3 km.
The Starforce squadrons spreading all over the solar system are under control of this headquarter.

For more than half a year I couldn't make enough time to play with Lego while preparing for my marriage.
Nearly after two month since the bridal ceremony I suddenly started building this like a person having a withdrawal symptoms.
The model is 1.1m long in size. I've tried for a size that can express a scale of huge structure with small windows seen on the walls.

The design is very simple with three diamond shaped blocks, each connected in 120 degrees rotated.

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